

Special jobs such as renovation or reconditioning of air handling units and cooling towers are included in our services.

Furthermore Hamster Cleaning is specialised in asbestos problems inside air ducts. Our cleaners have followed the necessary formations to be super specialised in this complex matter.

You are at the right address to seal your air ducts, which allows you to save a lot of energy.

Finally we can also assist you with (re)certifying your fire dampers.

Below you can find a list of our different specialised services which we offer as a ventilation hygienist.

Request a quotation

From Monday to Friday, we will contact you within 24 hours of a request being made.

  • Air conditioning cleaning
  • Anti-corrosion treatment
  • Coil cleaning
  • Reconditioning of air handling units
  • Cooling tower cleaning
  • Cleaning after fire
  • Removal of asbestos from air  ducts
Air conditioning cleaning
profesional air conditioning unit cleaning
Air conditioning cleaning

Hamster Cleaning uses water in combination with a dedicated cleaning product to clean your air conditioning unit. A special bearable pump, that operates at 9 bar (or more) and with 2,5l per minute, allows to dispense the product on the fins of the air conditioning. The jet is powerful enough to rinse the entire block in order to eliminate dirt but not powerful enough to damage the fins. The mix of the alkaline cleaning product eliminates and even kills dirt.

By the means of special accessories and flexible nozzles we reduce the cleaning time considerably because we do not need to dismantle any component.

Anti-corrosion treatment
professional anti-corrosion treatment for aluminium finned blocks
Anti-corrosion treatment

Anti-corrosion treatment of heat exchangers prevents the further deterioration of aluminium finned blocks.

Climate control systems extract continuously outside air to the inside. The pollution contained in the air attaches to the moist walls of the installation. Cooled parts are moist because of the condensation and they attract this pollution. Therefore the aluminium fins are subject to corrosion.

The geological position of many buildings (close to industrial areas, speed ways, air ports, …) has a great influence on the speed of this process.

Hamster Cleaning protects the aluminium fins with a special film in order to prevent corrosion. You can only profit from an optimal installation when it is clean and free from corrosion. The film also prevents a number of defects and increases the life span of your installation. Hamster Cleaning promises a perfect anti-corrosion treatment for which we offer a guarantee certificate valid for five years.

Coil cleaning
Coil cleaning

Coil cleaning means the cleaning of condensers and evaporators.

Why coil cleaning?

Little or no periodical maintenance of HVAC- / refrigeration and heating installations can lead to an efficiency loss of more than 50%. This does not only mean that installations have to put in more effort and that the lifespan of the installation will be shortened, but also that the costs and the energy consummation will increase drastically.

Therefore a technical cleaning of these installations is a must.

Introduction to coil cleaning

Coil cleaning means the cleaning of the finned blocks of evaporators and condensers. Hamster Cleaning usually cleans at low pressure. Low pressure cleaning takes care of the safety of the user and the installation. Therefore the chances of damaging or deforming the fins during and after the cleaning are limited.

Advantages of low pressure cleaning

The advantages of low pressure cleaning are huge: More safety for the user and the installation Low pressure means more control during the cleaning High waterflow means a strong rinsing effect.

Cleaning to save money? We calculate it for you.

Reconditioning of air handling units
professional air handling units reconditioning
Reconditioning of air handling units

The cleaning of an air handling unit (AHU) is not always enough. Replacing the entire installation is often not an option for operational and financial reasons. Thanks to a couple of renovations your installation can be set in a good state in order to correspond to current norms.

The renovation or reconditioning of your AHU can include following services: Replacement of the centrifugal fans by direct-driven energy-conscious EC fans Coating of the housing Disinfection Coating of the coils (finned blocks) Renewal of the isolation Replacement of the condensation drain Replacement of the filter frames Equipment with coating of the construction material of the ventilator frames Rebalancing the fans and the motors and equip them with new bearings Replacement of the cooling and/or heating batteries

Cooling tower cleaning
industrial coolin towers maintenance
Cooling tower cleaning

The method for cleaning and renovation of cooling towers.

The maintenance of cooling towers

Nowadays the maintenance of cooling towers is very important. Just think about the recent outbreaks of legionnaires’ disease due to an inadequate maintenance of industrial cooling towers.

Despite the improved techniques for water treatment and the improved quality of water, pollution and corrosion remain important enemies for your installation.

Hamster Cleaning is specialised in cleaning and protecting against corrosion as well as in repairing your cooling towers, air treatment units, gas scrubbers etc.

The renovation of the installations can include one of following services:

  • A technical and chemical cleaning of the installation
  • The realisation of a coating or a cover in polyester
  • The delivery and, if necessary, replacement of filling packets and drip catchers

We are always at your service for extra information if you are interested.

Cleaning after fire

Cleaning after fire

During a fire, smoke will be extracted through the air ducts and the fans. Even when the unit isn’t working or the electricity drops out, smoke will pollute the air inlet and air outlet ducts because of the natural air flow in these systems. That’s why after the fire there remains a lot of soot in the air ducts and the air treatment unit. The amassment of soot makes it impossible to use the ventilation system until there has been a thorough cleaning. Not cleaning these air ducts polluted by the fire can cause serious health issues as a fire very often causes carcinogenic substances to get out.

Hamster Cleaning has the necessary experience, technique and knowledge to clean air ducts after fire. As soon as you take contact with us, one of our market managers will come to measure the damage and we will make an action plan to solve this problem.

Removal of asbestos from air  ducts

Removal of asbestos from air ducts

Dealing with asbestos in air ducts presents a unique challenge. Air duct cleaning

specialists typically do not have the required certification to remove asbestos safely.

Conversely, asbestos removal professionals lack the necessary expertise and

equipment to clean HVAC systems effectively. This results in a deadlock where

neither party is fully equipped to handle both aspects of the issue.

Understanding this gap, Hamster Cleaning took proactive measures by sending its

technicians to an introductory asbestos removal training. This initiative ensures that

they are better prepared to handle situations where asbestos contamination is found

within ventilation systems. By bridging the knowledge gap, Hamster Cleaning is

positioning itself as a leader in this specialized field.

Frequent questions

reconditioning of air handling units and cooling towers

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