The hidden danger of asbestos in air ducts

Asbestos was widely used in construction materials throughout the 20th century due to its fire-resistant and insulating properties. However, it is now well-documented that asbestos fibers, when airborne, pose severe health risks, including lung diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma.

One of the lesser-known ways asbestos can spread in a building is through air ducts. This can happen in two main ways:

·        Historical Contamination: In older buildings where asbestos was used in insulation, flooring, and plaster, fibers may have been released into the air over time and settled in the ventilation system.

·        Asbestos-Containing Components: In some cases, asbestos was directly incorporated into air duct systems, such as in sealants or insulation. Though the use of asbestos in air duct materials is now strictly prohibited, remnants in older ventilation systems still pose a threat.

If asbestos fibers become loose and circulate through an HVAC system, they can continuously contaminate indoor air, increasing exposure risks for occupants. Identifying and safely addressing this issue is crucial for ensuring a healthy indoor environment.

The challenge: how to remove asbestos from air ducts

Dealing with asbestos in air ducts presents a unique challenge. Air duct cleaning specialists typically do not have the required certification to remove asbestos safely. Conversely, asbestos removal professionals lack the necessary expertise and equipment to clean HVAC systems effectively. This results in a deadlock where neither party is fully equipped to handle both aspects of the issue.

Understanding this gap, Hamster Cleaning took proactive measures by sending its technicians to an introductory asbestos removal training. This initiative ensures that they are better prepared to handle situations where asbestos contamination is found within ventilation systems. By bridging the knowledge gap, Hamster Cleaning is positioning itself as a leader in this specialized field.

Case study: asbestos removal in a Belgian school

A recent case highlights Hamster Cleaning’s expertise in tackling asbestos-contaminated air ducts. During renovation works in a school in Ghent, asbestos was discovered in the plaster, which subsequently had led to contamination of the ventilation system. To address this problem in a legally compliant manner, Hamster Cleaning collaborated with an accredited asbestos removal company. This company conducted regular air and surface tests to ensure safety throughout the process of the air duct cleaning.

Hamster Cleaning’s technicians were equipped with full protective gear, including airtight suits, respirators, and protective goggles. The cleaning was carried out using the Rotobrush, a specialized tool with an H14 HEPA filter, ensuring that no asbestos fibers were recirculated during the cleaning process. This meticulous approach allowed for the safe restoration of the school’s air ducts while maintaining compliance with strict asbestos removal regulations.


If you live or work in an older building or suspect that your ventilation system may contain asbestos components, a professional inspection is highly recommended. Undetected asbestos contamination in air ducts poses an ongoing health risk and proactive measures are essential for safety.

Hamster Cleaning has the expertise and experience to handle asbestos-related air duct contamination safely and effectively. By combining air duct cleaning proficiency with a fundamental understanding of asbestos risks, Hamster Cleaning is the perfect partner for ensuring a clean and safe indoor environment.

Concerned about asbestos in your air ducts? Contact Hamster Cleaning today for a professional assessment.



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